September 26, 2024
Clickable Table of Contents
Join us in person for worship every Sunday at 10:00am, or on ZoomFacebook.
Click here for the online version of the
worship bulletin.
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Thoughts from Pastor Sarah
Dear Kindred in Christ, 
A few things emerged in our last worship time about which I'd like to write to you this week.  

First, we are aware that there was a significant audio glitch that caused static, garbling, silence, unintelligibility at a particularly unfortunate time in the service (scripture and sermon).  If you were worshiping with us on-line this seriously compromised your worship experience and it wasn't just you or your device.  The sound issues were so intense it was painful for our sound tech to hear through her headphones.  I'm so sorry this happened.  We have no idea why it happened and we seriously hope it won't happen again.  As I'm sure you're aware, you can read my sermon for the week via the manuscript which is still available at this link.  I update the available manuscript on Sundays sometime between 7 and 8am, so you can access the previous week's sermon through the main sermon button on the home page until that time.  It is not the same, of course, as receiving a freshly preached word, but it is something... 

Second, I am grateful that one of our worshipers indicated a need and desire to park in the turn around and access the building through the doors closest to the gym and elevator, using the elevator to access the upstairs worship spaces (either chapel or sanctuary).  This is a very reasonable request and used to be our ordinary practice.  This way of accessing the building was not being used for some time, so we stopped unlocking the appropriate doors-- opting for security over complete access.  We have asked Todd Kloos, our staff member who does unlocking/locking, set up/tear down, to include unlocking the double doors by the turn around and the upstairs hallway door by the elevator in his early Sunday morning rounds.  We may consider relocking those doors 10 minutes into worship for security purposes.  One can exit through them even if locked.  So if you have mobility challenges, please consider using the spaces in the turn around and accessing worship via the elevator from now on.  
Third, I announced on Sunday that the Session evaluated the experience of summer worship in the chapel and expressed great appreciation for the feeling of connection and closeness that these services provided.  They also noted some of the tech challenges and fellowship challenges in the space and the possibility that being so close together in cold and flu season may be less desirable.  They decided that we would return to the sanctuary on Sunday, October 6 and that the sanctuary will be our ordinary place of worship during the school year, whereas the chapel will be our ordinary place of worship during the summer.  That said, they'd like to have one chapel service a month and would like those services to have a different flavor than the sanctuary services-- perhaps to be more conversational and connective.  We'll be picking an ordinary Sunday of the month to be our regular chapel Sunday and will communicate that decision soon.  
We do have one more chapel service scheduled for this Sunday, September 29th at 10am and I hope you will join us in person or on-line.  If you have thoughts or questions about anything I shared above, why not join us for coffee chat via this link on Zoom between 10 and 12 on Friday?  Or if you value relaxed conversation with members of your St. A's family (which many of you discovered you did in your story sharing services this summer) why not join coffee chat for more of that?
If you would appreciate a visit or a call, please let me know.  I'm very much appreciating re-connecting post-sabbatical.
Peace be with you, Pastor Sarah
September 29
Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8
Luke 22:14-20
October 6
Exodus 32:1-14
Luke 23:34
Read these passages online here
New News & Announcements
Choir resumes this Sunday! The choir will begin rehearsing after worship, and will sing on Sunday, October 6 when we return to the Sanctuary. All are welcome to join us! Simply talk to Don Feely or meet us in the choir room downstairs after the service.


Our rescheduled, second Supper Church of the month is this Sunday, September 29 at 5:30pm. There will be another simple dinner, catered from local restaurants, so reservations are kindly requested. Click here to RSVP. We don’t need cooks but DO need a few volunteers to help with set up, etc. Please click here to sign up.


All are invited: families, singles, seniors, teens. Enjoy an hour’s fellowship with your St. A’s family and no dinner to prepare. We look forward to seeing you.

Please join us for St. Andrew's local environmental mission work party in the parking lot on October 12, 9:00-12:00pm. We will be removing invasive plants (English Ivy, blackberry, holly, clematis, etc) from near Restoration Creek. This will allow the native plants, including Oregon Grape, to thrive. Some work gloves and tools provided, but if you have your favorites bring them. For more information contact Jeanette Kloos.
If you would like to recognize a special occasion or person (i.e. birthdays, anniversaries) or memorialize a loved one by placing flowers on the chancel, please contact Bev Ruggles to confirm a date. Contact the office for Bev's phone number if you don't have it.
Learning & Fellowship Opportunities
Thanks to those who gathered and helped choose the next book for discussion. Our next book will be 'Voter Suppression in US Elections', edited by Jim Downs, Stacey Abrams, Carol Anderson, Kevin M. Kruse, Heather Cox Richardson, and Heather Ann Thompson. As we are approaching another major US election this seemed a timely topic to consider. Please order this book asap if you'd like to join us. It is a small book and we will discuss it in full at our next meeting. We'll meet on Thursday, October 10, at 6pm on Zoom. Even if just for this book, we hope you'll join us.   

Discernment is the process of making decisions when we put on the mind of Christ, so that our choices move us toward becoming who God wants us to be. Discernment is both a gift and a habit of faith.


These classes will examine the scriptural and theological underpinnings of discernment, and the spiritual freedom it requires of the discerner. We’ll also cover helpful practices, which use not just rational thought but also memory, imagination, body practices, nature, and more. 

Finally, we’ll learn to test our tentative decisions by asking God for confirmation.


Our text will be The Art of Discernment: Spiritual Practices for Decision Making by Elizabeth Liebert, Professor of Spiritual Life at Union Theological Seminary. It’s available through Powell’s, and Westminster John Knox, which is the Presbyterian publishing house.


The classes are on the first and third Wednesdays from 12:30 to 2:00 in the chapel, and will run through February.


We’ll be using the “flipped classroom” method: we prepare by reading the entire chapter before the meeting, to prepare for an in-depth session and engaging in the practices when we meet.


Questions? Contact Amy Houchen or Jan Reynolds.

We will gather on Zoom on the fourth Saturday in September at 1pm to find out what we learned this summer and share what we hope to explore this fall. If you've been curious, this is a good time to jump in.  
Join us on Zoom, Saturday, September 28, at 1pm, to grow in knowledge of self and others.  
Service & Mission
If you have any questions about our ministries or would like to be a part of our Mission Team, contact Katy in the office.
On Sunday, October 6 we will be receiving the Peace & Global Witness special offering. The way this offering works is that 50% of what we collect is sent to our national church to support large scale efforts in peace and global witness, 25% goes to the presbytery where it is pooled with resources donated by other congregations and then redistributed as grants, and 25% of it stays with us to support our own peacemaking ministry. This year the Mission Team has decided to give our 25% to Don't Shoot PDX, an arts and education organization that promotes social justice and civic participation, and supports community members facing racism and discrimination by providing legal representation and direct advocacy.
You can write a check to St. A's and put "Peace and Global Witness" on the memo line or you can give on-line selecting this designation for your gift. Thank you for your support!
Would you like to show your support for the Multnomah Safe Rest Village? If so, there are many ways to do so!
  • Still needed: bedding for the new units. If you can donate sheets (twin size only, please; the units are small!!), blankets, pillow cases, they’d love to have them. But don’t bring them to the door; right now that causes confusion. Also needed: men’s clothing, new or gently-used, all sizes. Please email Hana at the MSRV to arrange the right time to donate, or bring your items to the St. Andrew's office.
  • Make Sandwiches! Sandwich Meal Train is now on Mondays. Click here to sign up for your Sandwich Monday. We know that once there are 100 people in the Village we won’t be able to provide enough weekly sandwiches—we’re working with Sunstone Way (formerly All Good NW) to figure out what will be helpful and manageable. But for now, it’s still SANDWICH TIME!!
  • Support the MSRV’s Street Books Library: Buy a book from the wish list at Annie Bloom’s in Multnomah Village.
  • Post a lawn sign supporting the MSRV! Click here to send an email to FMSRV and we’ll deliver. Show the neighborhood we have lots of supporters out there, despite some negative reactions.
  • Learn more about the expansion, and give the City your feedback: The Safe Rest Village team encourages everyone with questions to contact them. They truly  want to hear from neighbors.
  • Be brave and talk with neighbors who may be upset, angry, or fearful about the expansion of the MSRV. Here are some things to emphasize in conversations that might be difficult:
    • We are in a desperate citywide crisis and it is important for to get more people off the streets. Safe Rest Villages are one way to alleviate the suffering around us.
    • Expanded numbers = expanded resources. Sunstone Way will have strong financial backing, more staff, better infrastructure, and increased ability to manage this complex village.
    • Try just saying, “Hi, how’re you doing?” Sure, some of the Participants in the MSRV or people you pass camped on the streets may be troubled, have substance use or mental health issues; or have been traumatized by being forced from their homes. And they are also interesting, valuable, thoughtful people, who are trying to make it in a rough situation. 
For frequent MSRV updates visit the Friends of Multnomah Safe Rest Village website, and join their Facebook group for updates, news, photos, connections. For more information about any of these programs, contact the St. Andrew's office. Katy is happy to answer any of your questions. 


Saturday, October 5

10:30-12:00-Ziploc bag filling and donation drop-off


Each month St. Andrew's sends large Ziploc bags filled with essential items to our ministry partner Operation Nightwatch, who then distributes them to the houseless people who utilize their services. Thanks to generous donors, along with additional Neighborhood Ministries funds, we receive enough funding each month to cover these costs. We are grateful to be able to continue this important work.


So what can you do to help? It has been brought to our attention the constant need for donations of new socks and new men's boxer-briefs, for many of our ministry partners. These can be dropped off at our first Saturday Ziploc bag filling, at worship on Sundays, or during office hours.

Each month St. Andrew's provides meals to West Women & Children's Shelter. If you would like to participate in this ministry you can sign-up to make a casserole (or two, or three) using a specific recipe given each month and then drop it off at the monthly first Saturday Ziploc ministry day from 11:00-11:30. Volunteers are also needed to deliver these meals, and other items, to the shelter. Click here to sign up.
WW&CS currently provides shelter and services to 35 people who are seeking a safe place to stay while they break away from a domestic violence situation, and they are expecting to grow to 55-60 people. Any number of casseroles we provide are appreciated and are mostly served on the weekends when only volunteers are on staff. All excess is frozen and served at a later time.
SW Outreach is an active group connecting with our neighbors living outside in SW Portland through visits, conversation, relationship-building, and a weekly shower program at Riversgate Church in Multnomah Village. If you are interested in volunteering with or donating to this important and effective group, contact Sandy Steinecker, or Marilyn Palumbo. You can also contact them if you’re worried about someone in the neighborhood who might be houseless and needing help.
The weekly shower program is a welcome day center for people being displaced in our area.  Our guests find a few peaceful hours to get a shower and a hot meal, connect with resources and engage in conversation.  We currently are in need of bath towels. We always need underwear and t-shirts (men’s and women’s size medium).  If you can help please bring your donations marked “SW Outreach” to the bench outside the church office.  We appreciate the constant support and generosity of St. Andrew’s!
The St. Andrew's quilters meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 9:30. Their beautiful creations are donated to organizations that provide warmth to those in need. All are welcome to join them! Contact Gail Planck for more information.
Virtual Gatherings & Events

Sunday, September 29 & October 6

10:00am Worship
(also in person) 


Friday, September 27 & October 4

10-12pm Virtual Coffee Chat



Saturday, September 28

1:00pm Enneagram Discussion Group


 Reminders & Ongoing News
Did you know that we can send printed copies of the bulletin and eNews through the mail? There is a list of people who receive these each week, and there's room for more. If you would like to have us mail you a printed copy of the weekly worship bulletin and/or a text version of the eNews, contact the office and we'll put you on the list!

Would you like to make a new friend? Wearing your nametag each Sunday at worship can help. You can request a new nametag this coming week. They are being made for visitors and/or members of our worship community. Please contact Katy in the office or Connie Blumthal for a new (or renewed) nametag.


"Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold."

People experiencing a mental health crisis have a way to reach out for help in the U.S., by calling or texting the numbers 9-8-8. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States. It will function much like 9-1-1, but is solely dedicated to addressing mental health needs. Click here for more information on this potentially lifesaving program, and help spread the word.


Do you or someone you know need a ride to church on Sundays? If so our Deacons are on hand to give rides to church to those who need one. If you would be interested in receiving this service, or know someone else who would, please let us know so we can get you on our list. If you would be interested in being a driver, please let us know that too. Contact the office, Merrie Backer, or Larry Kelly to sign up, or if you have any questions.

Member Database Access is available anytime. Contact the office to get set up.
 For on-line giving please visit:
Thank you for continuing to support the ministries of St. Andrew's through your online donations and checks sent by mail. 

Office: 503-246-4276 
Office hours 8:30am - 2:30pm, Monday - Thursday

Bookkeeper hours: 9:00am - 3:00pm, Mondays & Tuesdays

Click HERE to send an e-mail.

Click HERE to view the church calendar.

Click here to read current and past issues of the Cascades Connections, a publication of the Presbytery of the Cascades

The Rev. Dr. Sarah Sanderson-Doughty, Pastor and Head of Staff
Don Feely, Director of Music Ministry
Katy Rustvold, Office Administrator/Neighborhood Ministries Coordinator
Krissy Wilds, Bookkeeper
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3228 SW Sunset Blvd, Portland, OR 97239

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