July 3, 2024
Clickable Table of Contents
Join us in person for worship
every Sunday at 10:00am, 
or on ZoomFacebook.
Thoughts from Pastor Sarah
Pastor Sarah is on sabbatical as of June 1st, returning September 1st. Pastors Tom & Patty Campbell-Schmitt are on call for pastoral care. Click here to reach out to them via email. Rev. Jan Reynolds is facilitating Sunday worship (scroll to the bottom to see the summer worship schedule). If you have an urgent need please contact the office and we will put you in contact with someone who can assist.
July 7
Mark 6:1-13
July 14
Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:1
Read these passages online here
New News & Announcements
Beginning this week our summer office hours are Tuesday - Thursday, 8:30-2:30. We will resume regular office hours on September 9.
Thursday, July 4
In observance of Independence Day
Monday, September 2
In observance of Labor Day

A Summer of Delight in Heart’s Desire


Dear Friends,


On Sunday, July 7, we will have a more traditional service in the Chapel with Holy Communion.  We kick off our July theme of Renewal this week with readings by Howard Thurman, the 20th Century theologian, pastor and inspiration of the 1960's non-violent civil rights movement. Especially in challenging times, Thurman encouraged people to look for the “growing edge” of life, where “the roots are silently at work in the darkness of the earth against a time when there shall be new leaves, fresh blossoms, green fruit.”  You may recognize his famous quote:  “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive!”


Inspired by Howard Thurman and Mark 6:1-13, I will offer some ideas about how we might find renewal in our daily lives.  Please join us!

Blessings on this summer of renewal,


St. Andrew's is once again joining with St. Luke Lutheran Church for their annual Grauer Project, an event that provides new backpacks filled with school supplies, winter coats, shoes, socks, and tee-shirts for the school year to students in the Ida B. Wells High School feeder schools. Their goal is to provide these items to 400 students. If you would like to participate in an event that ministers directly to kids in our communities here's how you can help:
  • Money donations can be collected on Sundays during worship, or mailed into the office. Make sure to specify that they are for the Grauer Project
  • You can purchase new school supplies and drop them off at worship or during office hours. Specific items that are needed include:
    • Crayons (24 ct)
    • Erasers
    • Folders
    • Glue Sticks
    • Notebook Paper (wide & college ruled)
    • Pencils (12 pack)
    • Spiral notebooks (wide & college ruled)
We will collect donations through August 4. Look for donation baskets in the narthex and in the hall outside of the chapel. Contact our office if you have any questions.
Giving statements through June 30th were mailed last week. If you have any questions about your giving to date contact Krissy.
Learning & Fellowship Opportunities


Join us on the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings, beginning June 23, at 5:30 pm in the Chapel, as we focus on the identity and character of Jesus. As the weather permits, we’ll spill out onto the patio for play. Our summer dinners will be simple, catered from local restaurants, so reservations are kindly requested. Click here to RSVP. We don’t need cooks but DO need a few volunteers to help with set up, etc. Please click here to sign up.


All are invited: families, singles, seniors, teens. Enjoy an hour’s fellowship with your St. A’s family and no dinner to prepare. We look forward to seeing you.


The next Supper Church will be July 14.


Even if you've never attended before, you're welcome to join one or all of our meetings this summer. Each will be a stand-alone session on a contemplative practice. Come try Visio Divina (contemplating pictures), sitting with a question, or the loving kindness of meditation. Or find out why mysticism is for every day - not just for the cloistered or theologically sophisticated! Join us for these topics and more on the first or third Wednesdays of the month, in the lounge. Here's the schedule:

  • June 5: Lectio Divina (sacred reading)
  • June 19: Visio Divina (sacred images)
  • July 3: Loving Kindness/Compassion meditation
  • July 17: Bio-spiritual focusing
  • Aug 7: Reading the scriptures imaginatively
  • Aug 21: Sitting with a question
  • Sept 4: Mysticism in daily life

We’ll meet from 12:30 to 2pm in the Lounge. Jan Reynolds will be leading the July 17 session, and Amy Houchen will be leading the others. Contact either of them If you have questions.

We are looking for volunteers to help with coffee hour in the coming weeks. Share the bounty of your baking cravings or let the grocery store do all the work - either way your help is greatly appreciated! Especially at the end of May and again in June when Becky will be out of town. Half-and-half will be waiting for you in the kitchen fridge.
Look for the signup sheet in the narthex and reach out to Becky Schiefelbein with any questions. 
Our gatherings will pause this summer.  Pastor Sarah recommends two books for summer reading, if you're interested. 
If you want to keep learning from Beatrice Chesnut … The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up: Find your Path, Face Your Shadow, Discover Your True Self, Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes.

If you want something perhaps a little lighter… The Honest Enneagram: Know Your Type, Own Your Challenges, Embrace Your Growth, Sarajane Case.
If you want a break from enneagram study, take it!  If you want to re-read previous books, go for it!  If you want to read both of these books, have fun!  If you want to read just one, that's great too! See you in September. 
The St. Andrew's choir is taking a break for the summer. We look forward to seeing everyone in the fall!
This group is taking a break over the summer. Stay tuned for our plans for fall!
Photo Credit - Priscilla Du Preez, on Unsplash
Service & Mission
If you have any questions about our ministries or would like to be a part of our Mission Team, contact Katy in the office.
The Multnomah Safe Rest Village is in the process of expanding from about 35 participants to upwards of around 100 when at full capacity. This has brought some mixed feelings from housed neighbors in the Multnomah neighborhood, but overall most feel positive and hopeful about expanding this program that, along with other village sites in Portland, has so far helped over 300 participants transition into housing.
This expansion means more help and support is needed from neighbors, partnering organizations, and civic groups. Here are ways you can help and show your support this summer:
  • One current need is bedding for the new units. If you can donate sheets (twin size only, please; the units are small), blankets, or pillow cases, they’d love to have them. The MSRV is asking that donations not be brought to them unannounced right now because of ongoing construction. Please email Hana at All Good NW to arrange the right time to drop them off (or bring them to the St. Andrew's office and we will get them delivered for you).
  • Make sandwiches and deliver to the MSRV door. Click here to sign up for your Sandwich Monday, between now and July 29. We know that once there are 100 people in the Village we won’t be able to provide enough weekly sandwiches—we’re working with All Good NW to figure out what will be helpful and manageable. For now, anything you can do will be much appreciated.
  • Contribute to the FMSRV Summer Feast (date TBA): FMSRV plans to provide a feast for MSRV staff and Participants sometime in late July. By then there may be as many as 50-60 people inside, so it’ll be a big effort, and we’ll need lots of people to contribute. Stay tuned for more information to come!
For frequent MSRV updates visit the Friends of Multhomah Safe Rest Village website, and join their Facebook group for updates, news, photos, connections. For more information about any of these programs, contact the St. Andrew's office. Katy is happy to answer any of your questions. 


Saturday, July 6

10:30-12:00-Ziploc bag filling and donation drop-off


Each month St. Andrew's sends large Ziploc bags filled with essential items to our ministry partner Operation Nightwatch, who then distributes them to the houseless people who utilize their services. Thanks to generous donors, along with additional Neighborhood Ministries funds, we receive enough funding each month to cover these costs. We are grateful to be able to continue this important work.


So what can you do to help? It has been brought to our attention the constant need for donations of new socks and new men's boxer-briefs, for many of our ministry partners. These can be dropped off at our first Saturday Ziploc bag filling, at worship on Sundays, or during office hours.

Each month St. Andrew's provides meals to West Women & Children's Shelter. If you would like to participate in this ministry you can sign-up to make a casserole (or two, or three) using a specific recipe given each month and then drop it off at the monthly first Saturday Ziploc ministry day from 11:00-11:30. Volunteers are also needed to deliver these meals, and other items, to the shelter. Click here to sign up.
WW&CS currently provides shelter and services to 35 people who are seeking a safe place to stay while they break away from a domestic violence situation, and they are expecting to grow to 55-60 people. Any number of casseroles we provide are appreciated and are mostly served on the weekends when only volunteers are on staff. All excess is frozen and served at a later time.
SW Outreach continues to compassionately connect with our neighbors living outside.  Our weekly shower program is a welcome day center for people being displaced in the Hillsdale area.  Our guests find a few peaceful hours to get a shower and a hot meal, connect with resources and engage in conversation.  We currently are in need of bath towels. We always need underwear and t-shirts (men’s and women’s size medium).  If you can help please bring your donations marked “SW Outreach” to the bench outside the church office.  We appreciate the constant support and generosity of St. Andrew’s!  Questions? Contact Marilyn Palumbo.
The St. Andrew's quilters meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 9:30. Their beautiful creations are donated to organizations that provide warmth to those in need. All are welcome to join them! Contact Gail Planck for more information.
Virtual Gatherings & Events

Sunday, July 7 & 14

10:00am Worship
(also in person) 


Friday, July 5 & 12

10-12pm Virtual Coffee Chat


 Reminders & Ongoing News

During Sarah’s summer sabbatical, worship will be led by the Rev. Jan Reynolds.  In conversation with Sarah and St. Andrews’ Session, Jan has designed worship that will align with Sarah’s sabbatical theme, “A Summer of Delight in Heart’s Desire.” Each month of worship services will have a theme:

  • June:  Rest
  • July:  Renewal  
  • August: Joy in Community

We will follow a familiar order of worship, but each week of the month will have a slightly different approach, including some interactive elements.

  • 1st Sundays: Traditional worship with Communion (in the Chapel)
  • 2nd Sundays: Contemplative worship featuring Celtic song, nature poetry and reflection (outside)
  • 3rd Sundays:  Features special music (outside)
  • 4th Sundays:  45-minute worship with a morning prayer liturgy and conversation circles (in the Chapel).  Everyone will be encouraged to go out into the day to pursue their hearts’ desires!
  • 5th Sunday in June:  Short worship with a potluck brunch  (in the Chapel)

We will hear sermons from various members and friends of the congregation including Roberta Schlechter, Eric Hamilton, Rev. Lindsey Santamaria, Rev. Amy Delaney, and Rev. Sunggu Yang.  Jan will preach on first Sundays and lead worship.  Don Feely will continue to faithfully lead our music with our talented song leaders.  Based on the design of the services, we will either meet outside or in the chapel, moving indoors if the temperature is too hot.


During Pastor Sarah’s time of Sabbatical, Revs. Tom & Patty Campbell-Schmitt will be available for Pastoral Care. Click here to reach them via email. If you have any questions regarding our building ministry, please call Steve Planck.


On Labor Day Sunday, September 1, we will welcome Sarah back with us!   She will share her experiences on Sabbatical, and the congregation will share about our summer.  We will enjoy a potluck meal together.  

May we all look forward to a summer of finding our delight in hearts’ desire through rest, renewal, and communal joy!


Would you like to make a new friend? Wearing your nametag each Sunday at worship can help. You can request a new nametag this coming week. They are being made for visitors and/or members of our worship community. Please contact Katy in the office or Connie Blumthal for a new (or renewed) nametag.


"Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold."

People experiencing a mental health crisis have a way to reach out for help in the U.S., by calling or texting the numbers 9-8-8. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States. It will function much like 9-1-1, but is solely dedicated to addressing mental health needs. Click here for more information on this potentially lifesaving program, and help spread the word.


Do you or someone you know need a ride to church on Sundays? If so our Deacons are on hand to give rides to church to those who need one. If you would be interested in receiving this service, or know someone else who would, please let us know so we can get you on our list. If you would be interested in being a driver, please let us know that too. Contact the office, Merrie Backer, or Larry Kelly to sign up, or if you have any questions.

Member Database Access is available anytime. Contact the office to get set up.
 For on-line giving please visit:
Thank you for continuing to support the ministries of St. Andrew's through your online donations and checks sent by mail. 

Office: 503-246-4276 
Summer Office hours 8:30am - 2:30pm, Tuesday - Thursday

Bookkeeper hours: 9:00am - 3:00pm, Mondays & Tuesdays

Click HERE to send an e-mail.

Click HERE to view the church calendar.

Click here to read current and past issues of the Cascades Connections, a publication of the Presbytery of the Cascades

The Rev. Dr. Sarah Sanderson-Doughty, Pastor and Head of Staff
Don Feely, Director of Music Ministry
Katy Rustvold, Office Administrator/Neighborhood Ministries Coordinator
Krissy Wilds, Bookkeeper
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3228 SW Sunset Blvd, Portland, OR 97239

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